Where else but among the horses ...??
Friends! Engaged in a weekend of equestrian competitions in that Fratta Spas in Forlì, the IC Pollarini QH, are involved in a bite to break the peppers paninazzo when - in the booth (behind me in the photo) - a funny individual, has applied to stain the coffee. "C'avemo only three ste bottije" replies the barman.
One of the 3, you can understand my excitement was the immortal bottija of VAT. The barrrista, mindful of the epic deeds of the movie and laughing at our Blog-initiative, not only leaves me the relic for the shot but it gives me a shot with me drinking the health of the Knights of the Vat "Hey, I'm there in rags. DATEV ... na 'move! " . Mauro, Fratta Terme (FOR) in April 2008